Carinya BAL40 Bushfire Windows & Doors
Bushfires in Australia are almost a common occurrence during the hotter months due to Australia’s hot and dry climate. Bushfire events in New South Wales, South Australia, Canberra and Victoria have been the most tragic bushfires events to occur in Australia’s history.
Bushfire Attack Levels
Bushfire Attack Level (BAL)
Description of predicted bushfire attack and levels of exposure
There is insufficient risk to warrant specific construction requirements
BAL - 12.5
Ember attack
BAL - 19
Increasing levels of ember attack and burning debris ignited by windborne embers together with increasing heat flux between 12.5 and 19 kW m2
BAL - 29
Increasing levels of ember attack and burning debris ignited by windborne embers together with increasing heat flux between 19 and 29 kW m2
BAL - 40
Increasing levels of ember attack and burning debris ignited by windborne embers together with increasing heat flux with the increased likelihood of exposure to flames
Direct exposure to flames from fire front in addition to heat flux and ember attack
The Carinya BAL40 range successfully exceeded system test requirements outlined in AS1530.8.1 while remaining in operation after the test. Although there are no requirements set for operation after a test, having peace of mind in functioning allows for potential egress and access of the building by occupants or fire authorities. These results are possible through the extensive Research & Development adding to the high quality design and functionality of this product.
Carinya BAL40 Product Range consist of;
- Classic Sliding Window
- Classic High Performance Sliding Window
- Classic Awning Window
- Classic Sliding/Stacking Door
- Classic Fixedlite
- Select Hinge Door
- Select Double Hung Window
- Fall Prevention KidScreens
A range of window and door handles, including ventlocks, security and fall prevention screens along with double glaze glass options for energy requirements or acoustic barriers are some of the additional features available to the complete Carinya BAL40 product range in catering for all requirements beyond bushfire.
When dealing with a BAL40 requirement, specifiy Carinya to ensure compliance to Australian standards. All Carinya BAL40 windows are identified with a label to ensure quality and compliance of the product to assist with certification onsite.
![BAL40 Tested and Compliant](images/pic-bal40-1.jpg)
![BAL40 Tested and Compliant](images/pic-bal40-2.jpg)
![BAL40 Tested and Compliant](images/pic-bal40-3.jpg)
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